Management Bulletin No. 8: Designing Quail Lanes to Increase Huntable Acreage and Distribute Hunting Pressure

Hunting leases are in high demand in South Texas, and income from wildlife enterprises is an important element of sustaining the economic viability of ranches. The demand for leases, and the slow turnover (and therefore low availability) of lease holdings are reflected in the price of leases, usually expressed per acre of land. The price of a quail hunting lease in the South Texas Sand Sheet can vary from $15 per acre to $25 per acre. The high demand – and the resulting price – is driven by the fact that when the South Texas Sand Sheet gets rainfall, this region consistently supports huntable populations of bobwhites.

Suggested Citation

Woodard, D. A. 2022. Designing Quail Lanes to Increase Huntable Acreage and Distribute Hunting Pressure. East Foundation Management Bulletin No. 8, 6p.


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Management Bulletin No. 8: Designing Quail Lanes to Increase Huntable Acreage and Distribute Hunting Pressure

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Management Bulletin No. 5: Patch Burning as a Management Tool for Coastal Rangelands in South Texas

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Management Bulletin No. 4: Coyote Conundrums, Shedding Light on Coyote Behavior to Inform More Effective Management

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