Science Publications

We work to enhance native rangelands for both wildlife conservation and sustainable livestock production. These publications showcase our progress.

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Temporal Relationships of Breeding Landbirds and Productivity on a Working Landscape

Perspectives on Agricultural Research Organizations: A New Tool for Agricultural Research and Land Stewardship

Determining the Age Classes of Free-ranging Female Nilgai in Southern Texas, USA

Hematology and Biochemical Reference Intervals and Seroprevalence of Hemorrhagic Diseases for Free-Ranging Mule Deer in West Texas

Long Live the Cat: Ocelot Population Viability in a Planned Reintroduced Population in Texas, USA

Pryric-carnivory: Predation of a Texas Tortoise by a Crested Caracara Following a Prescribed Fire


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Learn How Science Informs Our Decisions

We believe that effective ranch management results from precise measurement and analysis. By implementing the results from various research initiatives, we can make informed choices that optimize our ranching practices for long-term sustainability and productivity.

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