Todd Snelgrove
Chief Operating Officer
tsnelgrove@eastfoundation.netAs Chief Operating Officer, Todd Snelgrove leads the day-to-day operations of the East Foundation ensuring that all our systems, resources, and people are in place to achieve the goals of the Foundation. With a diverse background in both natural resources management, program development, outreach, and geospatial technologies spanning over 25 years, he focuses on the alignment of priorities across all units of the Foundation from ranching to science to education.
Prior to joining the East Foundation, Todd was an associate director of the Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, providing leadership in developing and implementing programs that promote private lands stewardship and regional conservation. His primary focus was the development of public-private partnerships that work to conserve rural working lands—farms, ranches, and forests—and the commodities and ecosystem services produced from those lands. In addition to his role as associate director, Todd led the institute's Geospatial and Information Technology Resources team. His primary role was to develop innovative technology solutions as they apply to natural resource issues—especially those focused on landscape level or regional conservation efforts.
Todd received a B.S. in Forest Management and a M.S. in Forestry with an emphasis in Forest Soils and GIS, both from Texas A&M University. He is a fifth-generation Texan living in San Antonio with his wife, Amy, and three daughters—Jenna, Leah, and Allie. In his spare time, he enjoys hunting, fishing, gardening, and spending time with his family.