Livestock Production & Ranch Management

Livestock Production Improvement

A key to the sustainability of ranching enterprises is discovering opportunities and developing strategies for improving livestock productivity in conjunction with land and wildlife stewardship objectives. A critical element of ranch productivity is the development of grazing management strategies and their impacts on land, wildlife, and livestock production. We have set aside the Coloraditas Grazing Research and Demonstration Area, an 18,000-acre unit of San Antonio Viejo, as the ‘laboratory’ for developing adaptive grazing strategies and understanding how they can promote livestock production, rangeland condition and resilience, and wildlife habitat and populations. What we learn here informs our grazing management across the ranching enterprise.


Ocelot Population Slowly Growing Through Cultivation

The recovery of the ocelot largely depends on private landowners and the stewardship of their lands. East Foundation is committed to producing reliable research aimed at making this a reality.


San Antonio Viejo


Comparative Microbiome Analysis of Beef Cattle, the Feedyard Environment, and Airborne Particulate Matter

February 1, 2024

Comparison of Chemical Attractants Against Dung Beetles and Application for Rangeland and Animal Health

June 1, 2017

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