Wildlife Management and Conservation Projects

Wildlife Monitoring

You can’t manage what you can’t measure, and our wildlife monitoring projects primarily help us document trends and dynamics of wildlife populations over time and in response to environmental variables and management actions. We conduct annual surveys of economically impactful species (large mammals and quail) as well as ecologically important populations of birds and small mammals. Along with yearly measures, we work to develop improved methods of measuring wildlife populations at scale to inform management over time more effectively.


Ocelot Population Slowly Growing Through Cultivation

The recovery of the ocelot largely depends on private landowners and the stewardship of their lands. East Foundation is committed to producing reliable research aimed at making this a reality.


San Antonio Viejo


Long Live the Cat: Ocelot Population Viability in a Planned Reintroduced Population in Texas, USA

November 20, 2024

Extreme Weather Impacts on Butterfly Populations in Southern Texas, USA

October 1, 2023

Monitoring Occupancy of Bats with Acoustic Data: Power and Sample Size Recommendations

March 27, 2022

Variation in Herpetofauna Detection Probabilities: Implications for Study Design

September 1, 2021

Mark‐Recapture Distance Sampling for Aerial Surveys of Ungulates on Rangelands

December 28, 2020

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