Management Bulletin No. 9: South Texas Bobwhites and Eyeworms: Regional History, Prevalence, and Implications for Management Sustainable Harvest and Management of Northern Bobwhites
Management Bulletin No. 8: Designing Quail Lanes to Increase Huntable Acreage and Distribute Hunting Pressure Sustainable Harvest and Management of Northern Bobwhites
Management Bulletin No. 7: Don’t Gamble on Stocking Rate: Knowing the Odds Makes for Better Bets Ranching
Management Bulletin No. 6: Aerial Surveys for Large Mammals in South Texas: Are Conventional Surveys Good Enough? Wildlife Monitoring
Management Bulletin No. 5: Patch Burning as a Management Tool for Coastal Rangelands in South Texas Seasonal Burning on El Sauz
Management Bulletin No. 4: Coyote Conundrums, Shedding Light on Coyote Behavior to Inform More Effective Management Coyotes and Cattle
Management Bulletin No. 3: Searching for an Optimal Grazing Strategy, Phase I Outcomes from the Coloraditas Grazing Research and Demonstration Area Ranching
Management Bulletin No. 2: Solving the Mystery of How to Treat Nilgai for Cattle Fever Ticks White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Management Bulletin No. 1: Documenting a Late Season Quail Hatch Sustainable Harvest and Management of Northern Bobwhites