Determining the Age Classes of Free-ranging Female Nilgai in Southern Texas, USA
Author(s): Granger, M.M., C.D. Hilton, S.E. Henke, H.L. Perotto-Baldivieso, L.R. Schofield, and T.A. Campbell
Published: December 2024
Researchers developed the first documented age classification method for free-ranging nilgai antelope by analyzing tooth eruption patterns, wear, and cementum annuli from 225 harvested nilgai in southern Texas. While the study found only weak correlations between tooth height measurements and age, it successfully established 13 tooth eruption stages and six age classes that can help land managers assess population structures and potentially evaluate age-biased predation in both Texas and the nilgai's native Indian range.
Suggested Citation
Granger, M.M., C.D. Hilton, S.E. Henke, H.L. Perotto-Baldivieso, L.R. Schofield, and T.A. Campbell. 2024. Determining the age classes of free-ranging female nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) in southern Texas, USA. Journal of Wildlife Science (East Foundation Manuscript 081)