Relationships Between Plant Species Richness and Grazing Intensity in a Semiarid Ecosystem White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Consider the Source: The Impact of Social Mixing on Drylot Housed Steer Behavior and Productivity White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Stocking Density Influences Predominantly Blue Grama Pasture Mass and Animal Performance White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Longitudinal Evaluation of Salmonella in Environmental Components and Peripheral Lymph Nodes of Fed Cattle White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Effects of Helicopter Net Gunning on the Survival and Movement Behaviour of Nilgai Antelope White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Animal Use of Fence Crossings in Southwestern Rangelands White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Quantifying Herbivory in Heterogenous Environments: Methodological Considerations for More Accurate Metrics White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions
Forb Standing Crop Response to Grazing and Precipitation White-tailed Deer Nilgai and Cattle Grazing Interactions